Support Us

Wilderland is an educational charity organisation, with a limited budget to work with. After the 2017 fires there is still a huge amount of reconstruction to work on. 

  • Regeneration of land and buildings.

  • Roads repairs for ourselves and neighbours.

  • Rebuilding the old bridge.

  • Developing local community garden.

  • Restoring our bee hives and hen homes.

  • Creating events spaces. Think educational workshops, shared gardens, wellness retreats, paddock-to-plate experience days and community planting events so you can really get your hands dirty, learn skills and make a difference.

You can support us by donating money, resources, time or experience. Or get involved with our projects!

Donate via Paypal:

Make a tax-deductible donation

Westpac New Zealand
03 1318 0164149 002
Branch: 1 Pacific Crescent, The Base, Hamilton, NZ

How you can help

Shop with us

We produce high-quality organic medicinal ointments, herbal teas, tinctures and preserves. We also provide eggs and honey and harvest organic seasonal fruit and veg for the community, which are available through our roadside shop, online store and local markets.

Donation to the Wilderland Charitable Trust

Without donations from friends and well-wishers over the years following the catastrophic fires, Wilderland would not exist. The world needs community now more than ever, and it is through your continued love and support that we can restore our community and plan for a better future for everyone!

Any donations received go directly to our sustainability and community projects.
[Tax Deductible over NZ$5]. Find us on the NZ Charities Register [#CC29221]

Donating resources and materials

We are working towards becoming 100% renewables powered and are built mainly using recycled, up-cycled and sustainable materials.
Please contact us if you have any building materials, appliances, furniture or tools you would like to donate or share with us that might help towards building our shared community space and support our sustainability projects.

Join Us!

We are actively recruiting dedicated long-term participants in the areas such as organic gardening and permaculture, building and maintenance, energy efficiency and renewables, and marketing and events. Head to our Visit page to learn more. 


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